Tuesday 13 October 2015


Hello WESCAR racers,

Please note IMPORTANT information. We have had to change the banquet date to November the 21 St. Sorry for the change, an unfortunate scheduling issue has forced us to move the date.

The banquet is in Quesnel at the Billy barker hotel and casino.
room rates are 69.00 for a standard room, and 125 for a suite.
Plus applicable fees. Mention WESCAR for the rate.

Please contact Mike Ernst for tickets at supershoe21@hotmail.com or text / ph him at at (250) 991-1711

The general meeting will be at 1:00 at the hotel and discussion will include sponsorship, tires,weights, tech, tracks and schedule.

Meeting 1:00
Doors 5:30
Dinner 6:30
Awards 7:30